The Death of a Constant Lover





To Lev Raphael...


Wednesday 12/24/1997 11:38:00am
Name: sam aka smuel har-eban
E-Mail: cooldad524
Homepage Title: a child of the 60's
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Word of Mouth
Location: bruxxels, belgium
Comments: I'd like to see you write a book along the lines of all you suggested titles. I'm hawking your book to all my customers. My rabbi bought a copy.

Tuesday 12/23/1997 8:39:00pm
Name: Dan Stolper
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I like it!

Thursday 12/18/1997 3:21:00am
Name: Cath Hoffner-The Mystery Lady, Inc.
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: near the shore of So. NJ
Comments: Just a note to congratulate you on your interview and monthly column. Have great holidays and keep up those witty sig lines on DL.

Wednesday 12/17/1997 2:25:00pm
Name: Barbara Bassett
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: currently Selah, Montana: don't let its fictional status fool you
Comments: Well, the commentary is (if not actually convincing then at least) strongly influential. So I gues it's time to stroll into Bozeman and drop in at the Country Bookshelf. BB.

Thursday 12/11/1997 10:09:00pm
Name: Judi Maxwell
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Portland
Comments: How is the Proust coming? snort snort

Tuesday 12/09/1997 1:44:00pm
Name: Tom McFarland
Homepage URL:
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: AK's new home town
Comments: You have a great page design Lev. I've read your comments on DL and decided to try LGC and TEWM. Your descriptions of life on campus are on-the mark. I'll be putting TEWM on my 1997 top 10 hits.
Tommy Beresford aka Tom McFarland

Thursday 12/04/1997 9:06:00pm
Name: Jeff Hitchin
Homepage Title: Santa's HomePage!
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Seattle
Comments: Hey, Lev! It was great to meet you at Cluefest this past July. Maybe someday we'll trade circumcision jokes again.

Tuesday 12/02/1997 6:20:00am
Name: Dick Tartow
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Originally NYC, now darkest NH
Comments: With all due respect I think that Linda Fairstein is a lousy writer, but a great DA. If she prosecuted like she writes, the streets of NY would be overflowing with the rapists and other creeps that she has successfully put in the slammer.

Saturday 11/29/1997 8:43:00pm
Name: Patsy Asher
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: San Antonio, TX
Comments: Hi Lev, Congratulations on your webpage. With those great reviews of Tiara Duvet's books I'm sure they will all make the bestseller list! When are you coming to San Antonio? You are missing the greatest city in Texas.
Read you later, Patsy

Friday 11/28/1997 3:52:00am
Name: Bonnie Newquist
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Thousand Oaks, CA
Comments: Wonderful web page, Lev. Your signature lines make me want to go out and find the books. I just read The Edith Wharton Murders last week...I found it very delicious (like Let's Get Criminal). Did the anecdote about Philip Roth really happen? Dang, now I want to get some Edith Wharton to read, like my TBR pile isn't big enough already. But wait a minute! You write MYSTERY FICTION! Is the Edith Wharton part FICTIONAL? Do you just make her sound like a good writer as part of your PLOT? And what IS the name of your NEXT book really (and how can we trust you to tell us the truth, and how will we know the truth?). Well, keep writing. You and Nick are winners.

Wednesday 11/26/1997 7:27:00am
Name: Kim Malo
Referred By: DorothyL
Comments: The Lev Page? Hmmm. So Nick's afraid he'll lose his job and have to become Stefan's houseboy, meanwhile his creater has been demoted to a mere page? Something wrong with this picture...
Enjoyed the page and it's a toss up which I enjoy more - the books or the DL posts. Please keep 'em both coming.

Tuesday 11/25/1997 3:50:00am
Name: Myra
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: The artichoke capital-Castroville,CA
Comments: Enjoyed your panel at B'Con--am behind in my reading but looking forward to reading both your books, soon!!

Monday 11/17/1997 8:23:00pm
Name: Carole Steinberg Berk
Homepage Title: Not everyone is so lucky.
Referred By: Word of Mouth
Location: Far Rockaway, New YOrk
Comments: Hi Lev, You look great with a paint brush between your teeth. Real sexy. Enjoyed checking out your web page. No music, no fireworks. Looking forward to reading your next mystery.

Monday 11/17/1997 4:14:00pm
Name: sujata massey
Homepage Title: Sujata Massey
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Baltimore MD
Comments: Dear Lev,
Great site! Wow, would you ghost-write my biography? You're really good at this fiction stuff.
I'll buy the first round at Malice Domestic this spring.
Hugs and kisses,
Sujata Massey

Monday 11/17/1997 2:26:00pm
Name: R. D. Zimmerman
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I was here, Lev!!! It looks great...!!!! R.D.

Saturday 11/15/1997 1:23:00pm
Name: louise gagnon
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Toronto
Comments: Love your DL posts.I have not yet read your mysteries but have made then Christmas gift suggestions to my loved ones. I have read and liked very mush Dancing on Tisha B'Av and Winter Eyes. I think you should have more info on your previous books on this web page, and a real biography please.

Thursday 11/13/1997 6:08:00pm
Name: Paula Perry
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: New York City
Comments: Hi Lev! We met at your reading at Black Orchid in NYC. Love the new web page...

Thursday 11/13/1997 4:13:00pm
Name: Judith Ludlum
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Grass Valley, Ca.
Comments: Hi Lev, Great page! I always enjoy your charming and humorous wit. Congratulations on your second printing.
I'm now more than ever looking foward to reading your books.

Thursday 11/13/1997 1:36:00pm
Name: HRH Xmas
E-Mail: or
Homepage Title: hell of a way to make a living. This is living?
Homepage URL: http://it's being considered
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Apple, Big
Comments: I'm having artwork of me done with tiara for my homepage, so there. I was not held hostage in a buried bus between Monterey and SFO, but maybe I will be held hostage by moonshiners in North Carolina next week. (At least I'll get a drink.) Lovely to see you at b'con, may we live to see many more. Xmas

Thursday 11/13/1997 1:48:00am
Name: Angel Minton
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping....almost all the time.
Comments: On my way to Barnes & Noble to buy your book.

Wednesday 11/12/1997 7:20:00pm
Name: Tiara Duvet
E-Mail: I don't do e-mail, darling.
Homepage Title: The World is my Home Page
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Your Wildest Dreams
Comments: Just dashed in from lunch at Lutece with Vera Wang and Wang Chung. Visiting this page, I laughed, I cried, I shimmered. Or do I mean shimmied? Shimmy, shimmy, coco-bop, y'all.

Wednesday 11/12/1997 6:25:00pm
Name: Patsy Kringel
Referred By: DorothyL
Comments: Hi Lev -
I just finished Let's Get Criminal and really enjoyed it. As soon as I can fine TEWM way out here in SD I will read it too! Thanks, and keep up the great work.

Wednesday 11/12/1997 5:26:00pm
Name: Gail Chesney
E-Mail: /
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Marysville Michigan & Michigan State University
Comments: I love your Best of lists. Daily I have been sharing them with my colleagues, but now I can share a WHOLE LIST! I loved Let's Get Criminal (in my inscribed copy) and Edith Wharton.
Gail the car show judge

Wednesday 11/12/1997 4:56:00pm
Name: Harry Barnard
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Columbia, Missouri
Comments: I have enjoyed your books and your DL postings. Please continue. I need the laughs (from Bill Clinton's blurb on Kinky Friedman's books).

Wednesday 11/12/1997 4:27:00pm
Name: Michael Seidman
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Heartbreak Hotel, around the corner from the entrance to Dante's Inferno
Comments: Nice job, Lev. More fun than a barrel full of Whartons. Certainly beats a poke in the eye with a sharp pen.
Michael Seidman, failed author of Duvet ben Tiara, a biography of King Solomon's pre-nursery school teacher.

Wednesday 11/12/1997 2:06:00pm
Name: Doris Ann Norris
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: OH
Comments: Lev,
Congratulations on the second printing (and may there be at least 10 more)! Am happy that you finally have a home page. I hope Tiara gets her own wing! Doris Ann Norris

Wednesday 11/12/1997 7:14:00am
Name: sanne poulin
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Danmark
Comments: Great books! :-)

Wednesday 11/12/1997 7:02:00am
Name: Catherine Hoffner
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: New Jersey ! met you at Bcon!
Comments: Lev,
Got a signed bk. of THE EDITH WHARTON MURDERS from NYC. Wanted to get a 1st ed. as you announced that it's gone into 2nd printing. Congrats and keep me on your list for when new ones are published.
The Mystery Lady, Inc.

Wednesday 11/12/1997 5:15:00am
Name: Carol Fairweather
Homepage Title: BCON stuff
Homepage URL:
Referred By: NewsGroups
Location: Alameda, CA
Comments: Hi Lev -
I LIKE your homepage. That was a great idea, assembling your signature lines.

Wednesday 11/12/1997 3:36:00am
Name: Ruth P
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Vermont
Comments: Your description of academia is right on! However, instead of backstabbing over millions, it's backstabbing over nickels.

Tuesday 11/11/1997 3:24:00pm
Name: Judy Ceci
Referred By: Word of Mouth
Location: Channahon, IL
Comments: Actually I came in because of e-mail from Lev. It's a great site. Since I love your satirical comments on DorothyL, I love the signature lines.
By the way, we met at Magna cum Murder, not BCon, but I understand. The last few weeks must have been pretty mind- boggling for you.
Love the site and thanks for the large, black on white, that are great for these "older" eyes that need new glasses.

Sunday 11/09/1997 11:00:00pm
Name: Kate Derie
Homepage Title: ClueLass HomePage
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In!
Location: Berkeley, CA
Comments: I hope your fans will enjoy the wit and humor of your signature lines as much as I do.

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All text copyright © 1997-2003 by Lev Raphael.