The Death of a Constant Lover





To Lev Raphael...


Friday 11/05/1999 12:01:00am
Name: Debra
Referred By: Channeling Edith Wharton
Location: Chicago area
Comments: Dear Lev, Seems you've thought of everything with this page. I tried to sneak away without leaving a note on the refigerator door, and I wasn't allowed. A message appeared asking this (trick?)question: What's a guestbook without a comment?
let me be right,let me be right:A petition?
More Nick Hoffman, please.

Friday 10/08/1999 6:58:00pm
Name: Scott Arnold
Homepage Title: Dusty's Cellar
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Morbid curiosity
Location: Okemos
Comments: Wow, This is quite the web page. I didn't know you were so famous! It's always a pleasure serving you... SA

Thursday 09/23/1999 1:42:00pm
Name: Sarah McLaughlin
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Washington now, Boston originally
Comments: Fun website. I keep looking for your books at my local Borders without success. I've been doing my fall cleaning, and have made more room for books, so I'm going to splurge and try to get them from If they're as funny as your Dot-l posts they should be a hoot.
Regards, Sarah

Thursday 09/23/1999 2:47:00am
Name: Mz. Millah (Xeralda)
Homepage Title: don't have one -- oh well...
Referred By: Lust for Life
Location: don't know - yet.
Comments: Nice page. I can't wait to read one of your books.

Wednesday 09/15/1999 0:25:00am
Name: Jeff Sklar
Referred By: Morbid curiosity
Location: You know where I'm from...
Comments: To my most famous and inspirational friend Lev. With Love, Jeff Sklar & Roya Cohen.

Wednesday 08/25/1999 2:25:00am
Name: Krissie
Referred By: Lust for Life
Location: That's a good question.
Comments: Who would have ever thought we'd be on the world wide web, in front of God \and all the people as it were. My consultant reminds me that this is a public document going out over the waves. In those circumstances you have always cautioned reticence. Therefore, I shall only say "Hello" from Traverse and thanks for the stunning reviews I received today. Can't wait to get home for further words--many I hope--from you. Much love from your one and only true sister--That's for all those reading these comments and wondering. Your Website is indeed awesome. As are you. K.

Monday 08/16/1999 3:11:00am
Name: Carolyn Layton
Homepage Title: For all of my Angels in Chevy Chase and in
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Morbid curiosity
Location: Wilmington, DE 19808
Comments: Dear Lev,
Had the pleasure of meeting you at Debra and Paul's wedding on 8-15-99. How kind of you to give me this site. I shall check out the other sites you suggested. Under your "how did you find us"? there was not an appropriate "thingy" to put in, so I just left "Morbid Curiosity" there... Perhaps you might put "met at wedding" :)
Best regards,
Carolyn Layton PS. My homepage is just a little something I am making for my Grandchildren. :)

Thursday 08/12/1999 3:47:00am
Name: Karen & Jacques
Referred By: Lust for Life
Location: Stratford, Ontario
Comments: As hostess and host of Acrylic Dreams B&B in Stratford we always welcome Nick and Stephan's stay here. Their cologne passes with the morning breezes when the windows are open and the air conditioner is not on. Their laughter rings through the cathedral like ceilings of another holy temple and their voices incant deep and sincere thoughts on Shakespeare's work et al. Tales of their many travels around the world echo both a timelessness and adventure about two dudes in various passages of life's secret meetings and occasions. To dine is sublime to drink is a dream within a dream! Take care of each other with love from Karen and Jack

Sunday 05/30/1999 5:05:00am
Name: Nancy McPoland
Homepage Title: Net4TV Voice
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Lust for Life
Location: Birmingham AL
Comments: Hiya gorgeous! Even though I fell off Dotty-L a while back and wasn't aware that you had a new book out, my trusty Public Library saved me from my folly by prominently displaying DEATH AND THE CONSTANT LOVER. I grabbed it with glee, cackling wildly, and even managed to check it out before they hauled me away to the Home. They've allowed me to read it now that the medication's had time to work.
And it's....Another winner! I can't wait to use that "New Yorkers--bilingual in English and Sarcasm" line on some of my residence-challenged friends.
One thing though, I think you need to put the Kaufman picture up on the home page. _Very_ nice.

Monday 05/24/1999 0:51:00am
Name: peggy meeks-king
Homepage Title: art and poetry by peggy
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Planet Sparkle
Location: ind
Comments: hello i was doing a search thing to find my old poems under peggy meeks-king and somehow this is the page i came to odd i know but anyway your homepage is great i am a poet just got published for real by the 2 river view summer issue my 2 poems so monet and heaven's gate i was happy because robert creeley was in the spring issue winner of the frost award and others anyway good to meet you i never dreamed in my wildest dreams when i was in eng / lit class in high school or college that some day i would be in some plase like 2 river view to find this go to my homepage its under my oval picture hope you check back in a few weeks when my poems are up only my name is there now as an upcoming poet for the summer issue -bye for now Peggy:) it must be neat to have a book and to sign it and stuff i can see me in a book store someday signing a poetry book oh my

Friday 05/14/1999 5:53:00pm
Name: Rebecca
Referred By: Lust for Life
Location: I'm Jersey girl in tell me
Comments: Do you have any idea how sexy you look? At the risk of being utterly superficial I think I'll run right out and buy Death of A Constant Lover. Damn. I guess they were right all along. Looks do count in this world.

Thursday 05/06/1999 6:21:00pm
Name: Richard Kraus
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: Beautiful River Edge, NJ
Comments: The question is: Does Patsy have a picture of you on her Website (Oooooooooooh, I kinda doubt it)? Your latest is on my TBR list. I'll get there soon.

Saturday 04/24/1999 6:23:00pm
Name: Judy Devenow
Referred By: Morbid curiosity
Location: E.L.
Comments: Hey Lev,
Saw the flier for your new book at Schuler's. Lost your phone number while cleaning some files. I see you are as prolific as ever. GO YOU!!! Do you still have time for an old work-out and lunch bunch partner? If so, give me an e-mail or call. Do you ever see John Hagen? Congrats on your fame!!!!

Thursday 04/15/1999 5:31:00pm
Name: RuthP
Referred By: Tiara Duvet's diary
Location: Burlington, Vermont
Comments: The Death of a Constant Lover is a hoot. I had all I could do to stop reading lines to my spouse. He's reading the book now. You have academia spotted right on. We have enjoyed each of the mysteries, as well as your non-fiction.
Love Sharon, in fact, I care about all of the family characters - so much like our nutty families.

Wednesday 04/14/1999 5:48:00pm
Name: dorothy s. beerstein
Referred By: Morbid curiosity
Location: Tucson, AZ
Comments: Hi, lev I met you Tues. Apr. l3 yesterday at the JCC when we all had some lunch and you talked about your new book which I started reading last night; what a romp every page laughs love your grasp of the stream of culture a journey into the irony and chaos (shabbat the oasis you said) I'm the guest who said you are the prince of egypt. Also I thought some more about the film "life is beautiful" and the pain of it but I had a sudden inspiration, I had mentioned to you the importance of the hero in this

Wednesday 04/14/1999 7:31:00am
Name: Nick Hoffman
Homepage Title: Nick's Homepage
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Morbid curiosity
Location: Melbourne Australia
Comments: it's a small world
Nick Hoffman

Saturday 03/27/1999 5:21:00pm
Name: Karen
Referred By: DorothyL
Location: California
Comments: I have been reading your terrific DL posts for sometime now. Your books are on my TBR list and I am looking forward to reading them very much.Thanks for your major contributions in making the DL List such fun!

Sunday 02/28/1999 0:28:00am
Name: Rabbi Mark Solomon
Referred By: Morbid curiosity
Location: London, England
Comments: Dear Lev,
We met at the conferences in London (1993) and in Israel (1994). I've just been reading Journeys and Arrivals, belatedly, I know, but with great pleasure. I hope you and Gersh are well.
God bless,
Happy Purim,

Tuesday 01/26/1999 9:46:00pm
Name: John Peck
Referred By: Lust for Life
Location: Tucson
Comments: Lev: I'm the JCRC director in Tucson - the place you will be visiting south of Phoenix on 4/13/99. I'm a fan and look forward to meeting you and playing semi-host for part of your visit. I know you will be working with Hillel and sundry University of Arizona populations the night of your visit, but would like your input about other community folks you might wish to speak with, subjects near and dear to you, etc. Loved "Dancing on Tisha B'av" and would like to involve our Jewish gay/ lesbian/ bisexual/ transgendered community in a discussion/ panel/ whatever with you if possible. But I'd like to have your thinking on it. I look forward to hearing from you.

Tuesday 01/19/1999 11:56:00pm
Name: nick kilmer
Referred By: Channeling Edith Wharton
Comments: greetings. I shall look for yr books. E Wharton boght a painting by T B Meteyard, whose biography I wrote for Berry Hill Galleries; and she carried on a passionate affair with Meteyard's dear friend, whose name escapes me amongst all the public smut. You being stuck in Michigan, don't miss my book A PLACE IN NORMANDY (Holt) about the house of Owosso Michigan born painter Frederick Frieseke.

Sunday 01/10/1999 3:49:00am
Name: Proteus
Referred By: Lust for Life
Comments: Discovered your stories by accident in a local library in a sleepy village in LI, sitting alongside Winter Eyes. Better late than never, I guess, to be captivated in such a way. As a writer who has been trying to express both the G and the J aspects of myself and sitting in doubt about baring either, you have been an inspiration. (Don't worry--it doesn't burden you with any responsibility.) Would love to correspond. Cheers in any event.

Tuesday 01/05/1999 6:37:00pm
Name: Dahn Hiuni
Referred By: Nostalgie de la boue
Comments: Had a blast!!

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All text copyright © 1997-2003 by Lev Raphael.